Entrepreneurial Life Without Cancer Mothers

Interfed Yönetim Eğitim Danışmanlık Şirketi ve Fatih Sultan Mehmet Vakıf Üniversitesi iş birliği ve KOSGEB desteği ile yürüttüğümüz  “Girişimci Kansersiz Yaşam Anneleri Projesi” kapsamında 78 kanser hastası çocuğun annesine girişimcilik ve iş kurma konularında eğitim verdik.
Within the scope of the “Entrepreneurial Mothers of Life Without Cancer Project”, which we carried out in cooperation with Interfed Management Training Consultancy Company and Fatih Sultan Mehmet Foundation University and with the support of KOSGEB, we trained 78 mothers of children with cancer on entrepreneurship and business establishment.

We continued our trainings for 5 semesters, which were a kind of break for mothers who were financially and emotionally worn out during the treatment process of their children, where they learned new ideas while socializing. In the trainings we organized in the meeting halls in public hospitals; We mediated them to receive consultancy on issues such as how they can participate in production life and ways to ensure their own economic independence.