About Us

Life Without Cancer is Possible!!

Since 2010, Life Without Cancer Association, together with our valuable supporters, has been carrying out many projects all over Turkey to improve the treatment conditions of cancer patients and their relatives, to raise awareness and to keep healthy people healthy, regardless of age or mass.

In addition to being audited by the Directorate of Relations with Civil Society under the Ministry of Interior, the activities of the Life Without Cancer Association are audited by the Directorate of Civil Society Relations under the Ministry of Interior, it is an association that has adopted the principle of transparency, receives independent audits, presents its balance sheets to the public, and you can access all information on the Open Open Platform. Every year, the balance sheet of the association is shared both privately with donors and openly with the public.

Since 2010, we have implemented and continue to implement many projects that fulfill the purpose of our foundation, so that everyone can receive the necessary treatment against cancer, which completely changes the lives of patients and their families.

Designed as an 80-passenger mobile training truck, YaşaTIR, one of the continuous projects of our association, travels all over Turkey, giving seminars on cancer awareness, early diagnosis and prevention methods, and encouraging blood and stem cell donations in cooperation with the Red Crescent. The awareness-raising journey of YaşaTIR, which has received the most awards among social responsibility projects since its inception, continues.

We improve treatment areas in public hospitals and supply missing equipment and technical materials, decoration and furniture. Since pediatric oncology and hematology treatment areas are also psychological recovery areas for children, we continue to provide the services of Activity Teachers and Specialist Clinical Psychologists, whose salaries are paid by the association, in the hospitals where we carry out renovation projects.

With the SmileYOU project, we provide morale and motivation to our sick children and their families, and we create new resources by raising awareness with our Shopping Festivals and Athlete Angels projects. We provide Family Life Support Scholarships to improve the treatment and living conditions of cancer patients and their families who are financially and emotionally exhausted in this process.

We cooperate with universities and continue to organize awareness-raising seminars. We provide training to students on early diagnosis and the disease, and we expand our field team with those who join our volunteer group.

Again, with periodic projects we organize together with our supporters; we provide in-kind and cash aid and organize many aid campaigns so that cancer patients and their families can breathe a little bit in the face of the difficulties they face. The 15 awards we have received from various institutions and organizations in return for these efforts both make us proud and motivate us to work harder.

Every support we provide, every smiling face is concrete evidence of our success. In the light of the ideal of “A Life Without Cancer” that will bring our country together in a healthy future, we continue our work by growing with our supporters every day.

Mevcut kaynaklarımızı daha etkin ve sürdürülebilir şekilde yönetebilmek amacıyla, yıllık nakdi yardım başvurularını geçici bir süreyle durdurma kararı aldığımızı sizlerle paylaşmak istiyoruz.

Bununla birlikte, gıda kartı, tek seferlik yardımlar, hukuki destek, psikolojik destek, kıyafet, hijyen paketi gibi diğer desteklerimiz kesintisiz olarak devam etmektedir. Bu süreçte ihtiyaç sahibi bireylerin yanında olmayı sürdüreceğiz.

Yıllık nakdi yardımlara yeniden başvuru almayı planladığımız tarihlerle ilgili güncellemeleri sizlerle paylaşacağız. Anlayışınız ve desteğiniz için teşekkür ederiz.